| | Remember November Review Replies | |
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brightneeBee Inglourious Basterds Torture Specialist
Posts : 1097 Join date : 2012-03-31 Age : 36 Location : The Isle of Apples
| Subject: Remember November Review Replies Tue Jun 12, 2012 1:40 pm | |
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- LadyCandi 2012-06-11
what happened? last I had checked Remember November was quite a few more chapters along than this, i was looking forward to a new chapter **LadyCandi, I do apologize. I found plot-holes and deleted the story so I could slowly fix them throughout the chapters. I have fixed chapters 1 & 2, and am currently working on chapters 3-11. I promise, this is the last time Remember November disappears. I am pushing myself to rewrite and edit the holes that I have found, and post them as quickly as possible. I hope this hasn't deterred you. I just want the story to be as solid as possible. I hope you enjoy the coming chapters! Sincerely, Brightnee | |
| | | brightneeBee Inglourious Basterds Torture Specialist
Posts : 1097 Join date : 2012-03-31 Age : 36 Location : The Isle of Apples
| Subject: Re: Remember November Review Replies Wed Jun 20, 2012 8:48 pm | |
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- Body of review from Oribia follows:
super awesome story. I love the plot. Never read first draft, so it's all new to me. Hope Tom shows up soon! Oh, Oribia, your review lifted my spirits! XD I am thoroughly happy that you are enjoying it so far. Tom will show up in the next two chapters so keep a look out! Sincerely, brightneeBee | |
| | | brightneeBee Inglourious Basterds Torture Specialist
Posts : 1097 Join date : 2012-03-31 Age : 36 Location : The Isle of Apples
| Subject: Re: Remember November Review Replies Tue Jul 10, 2012 4:38 pm | |
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- Quote
Body of review from Dy follows:
This is a lovely little story and I do hope you continue it. I'm not really sure about how updates work around here, and thus have no basis to register your story on. But I think, regardless of how sporadically or faithfully you keep this story up, it is worth it. Truly. It is clever. The alternate universe still holds to some of Rowling's basic laws. She is intelligent. She is still attached to Harry, and thus still Hermione. Her diligence in navigating her world is well-thought. The plot for immortality is a unique plot, even if time travel is not, and it very neatly removes some of the restrictions of that twist. You can carry Lord Voldemort's whole life through. She will not wither or age, and there is no need to return to present age. I look forward to seeing your world progress. As for your writing, sometimes your descriptions are overlong, adjectives occasionally misplaced, but I always find it... sensory. The descriptions of magic invoke perfumes, smells, vapors... and sensuality. You write well, as many do. It's no dramatic leap. But still, I think there's a charm, a subtlety. You can taste your sets. reply to Dy: Thank you for the review - it really perked up my day! The next chapter is taking editing slowly - and I apologize for the errors you have found (I have no Beta for this story, so my reviewing chapters before they are posted are somewhat worthless since my mind says it's fine when my gut says there is something I need to fix, but I overlook those errors every time.) I am hoping after August that posting will be more frequent. I have challenge fics in progress as well as editing chapters for Remember November, so I am finding my attention drawn several ways. I have outlines for chapters all the way to the end, and several pre-written chapters to be altered and added-onto, it's just proving to be a longer process than I thought. XD I plan to finish this story, no matter how long it takes. I am so glad that you find my writing so enjoyable. I have been told that I need to adapt to writing for the internet, because my long-winded sentences are meant more for books and not fanfiction online. I am working to change that so chapters are more easily read. It's hard to do, especially when I have taken imaginary stock in the use of semi-colons. *snnrks* Again, so extremely glad that you like this story! I will try to get another chapter up soon. Sincerely, Brightnee | |
| | | brightneeBee Inglourious Basterds Torture Specialist
Posts : 1097 Join date : 2012-03-31 Age : 36 Location : The Isle of Apples
| Subject: Re: Remember November Review Replies Thu Jul 26, 2012 11:49 pm | |
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- Body of review from Risotto follows:
This was good! Looking forward to the next chapter Risotto, Thank you, thank you! I do enjoy getting reviews. I am hoping to have the next chapter up before mid-August, but since the muse (which tends to be blocked out by my beta for "Assassination" and her knack for distracting me when I so need it XD and Doctor Who marathons) has been quite flighty, I am inclined to say that maybe a new chapter will be loaded at the end of August. lol. But I am slowly working on it, in between several fics for a forum challenge. Thanks again for the review. They are always appreciated. Sincerely, BrightneeBee | |
| | | brightneeBee Inglourious Basterds Torture Specialist
Posts : 1097 Join date : 2012-03-31 Age : 36 Location : The Isle of Apples
| Subject: Re: Remember November Review Replies Thu Aug 02, 2012 2:18 pm | |
| Fanfiction.net reviews: - Quote :
- SamarKanda:
The idea is so innovative and original, I like it a lot. Besides this powerful Hermione is really great. Ill keep reading... the chapter was fantastic.
Aw, thank you! I am trying really hard to keep characterization canon, and I hope you enjoy the future developments of all the characters, especially Hermione and Tom/Lord Voldemort. - Quote :
- shoplifterette, review on Chapter One:
Ohhh, I really like this, what a fascinating concept. I love the way you portrayed Hermione's darkness, it seemed very authentic. And Snape... fantastic! shoplifterette, I thought I recognized your name when I got your reviews!!!! I am so glad that you loved chapter one, and how I wrote Hermione and Snape. Now, onward to replying your next review! - Quote :
- shoplifterette, review on Chapter Two:
Wow, the ritual was pretty intense. Very well written, your story draws the reader right into the world you created. This is one of my favourites already. :-) Thank you, thank you! I think it took me a few weeks to outline and create the ritual in my head, and I still don't think I did it justice. I could have done more with the scrolls of Nazareth previously mentioned, and the other texts that Hermione used as the foundation for her creation. But I am so glad that you liked it, and it touches me that my story is one of your favorites! - Quote :
- shoplifterette, review on Chapter Three:
I loved the way you described Severus' reaction to his unrequited love for Hermione. It seemed very much in character for him to revert to his old, angry, bitter personality.
And his death... you really surprised me there. I didn't expect Voldemort to actually kill him.
Where will they land? The suspense is killing me, ahhh!
Now, onto the next chapter. :-) Yes, I did feel as though Severus would act like child and pout, revert to the cold bastard we all know (and some of us love). Oh, the death. It took me by surprise, as well! But it fit, and I saw Hermione finding herself risking the result of a paradox in that short amount of time to save him. She may not love him, but in her own ways, she does care, and she does fiercely protect those she cares for. How is the suspense killing you? I posted all five chapters, missy! lol. Again, I am so glad that you enjoyed another chapter! - Quote :
shoplifterette, review on Chapter Four:
Ha! Secret-Agent-Hermione forging their records. :-D This part was so entertaining, I can imagine her doing just that. Can't wait to see how her relationship to her "fiancé" develops as the story continues. And of course, I can't wait for Tom to be added to the mix... I am super excited that you liked the Secret-Agent Hermione forging documents scene!!!! I could imagine her doing something like that and justifying it with her, sometimes questionable, moral logic. XD - Quote :
- shoplifterette, review on Chapter Five:
*snort* Tom really doesn't like not knowing things, eh? Wonderful. I hope you'll update this story as soon as you can. It's amazing! Of course, he's Lord Voldemort, he is to know anything and everything happening in his domain! Yes, hopefully once I am finished with this last challenge fic that I will have the Muse for "Remember November" and finish chapter six and seven for posting!!!! *crosses fingers* Thanks again for the wonderful reviews! I appreciate your kind words! So sweet and they cheered me up and I am glad that I am writing such a loved fic! Sincerely, brightneeBee | |
| | | brightneeBee Inglourious Basterds Torture Specialist
Posts : 1097 Join date : 2012-03-31 Age : 36 Location : The Isle of Apples
| Subject: Re: Remember November Review Replies Tue Jul 30, 2013 2:55 pm | |
| - smileylol wrote:
its dark and awesome but as i said before... awesome! update soon! hermione is AWESOME... i like her dark for no apparent reason :Panyway please update soon because i really can't wait :)love paramore! so happy u used it! i was like yay! paramore when she started singing it xoxoxo smileylol ) Smileylol, Thank you for the review. I do enjoy a dark!Hermione, and I guess that's why I tend to write her dark, off the bat or eventually in a story. XD Of course, your review was written a long time ago, and I'm just now getting to it, but I'll just pretend I didn't procrastinate in responding. Future chapters will elucidate on the when/where/how/why Hermione turned dark, so keep reading and the explanation will slowly piece together. *snnnrks* Can't give everything away at the beginning. XD Thank you so much for the review! I hope you continue to enjoy reading! xoxo brightneeBee - TheLightningScar wrote:
Dark!Hermione. Definitely giving this a try x LightningScar, Thank you for giving it a try!!! Enjoy reading, I just updated and posted chapter 6! (Yay for the return of the muse!) -brightneeBee - TheLightningScar wrote:
asdfghjkl I'm so in love with this story. I'm enjoying Dark!Hermione alot. I also really love Hermione and Snape's relationship. But I must say, a dark Hermione and Tom Riddle would just be so badass. LightningScar, Aw! Yes, I am also enjoying the Hermione and Snape relationship, from the writer's seat. It will be a nice bit of drama, making a dark!Hermione have to choose, won't it? *snnnrks* And yes, dark!Hermione and Tom Riddle will be badass! Thanks for the review! xoxo Bee - TheLightningScar wrote:
Oh God, Riddle's pissed. This does not bode well for Hermione. asdfghjkl please update soon! This fic is so unbelievably good, I'm absolutely dying to know what's going to happen. LightningScar, Yes, Riddle is super pissed. Snape and Hermione have no idea what's coming for them. *evil cackle* Keep reading, Snape/Hermione snark-fest to come!!! XD xoxo Bee - LK-HoGwArTs-hEaDgIrL wrote:
Brilliant! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Thanks for the...one word and extremely long hug? (that's what the X means right?) - Guess WHO (Guest) wrote:
Guess WHO:Anyway I am enjoying Dark Hermione. I can rarely find a story with her portrayed as dark that I can enjoy. Poor Tom. Thought he could past Hermione's wards. He doesn't have a clue what he is facing. Thank you for a great chapter. I'm guessing...guessing... Hmmmm. Can I get a hint? I'm glad you're enjoying Hermione's descent into the dark. It is quite difficult to find a story with a dark Hermione that can be enjoyed. There's always that fluff aspect somewhere, or she's too powerful, too evil, too this/too that. I'm trying to keep it balanced, but it is super fun to write. (Game of Thrones has been immense inspiration when it comes to the manipulation and game playing, but I did derive a LOT of inspiration from Sherlock "The Reichenbach Fall" - *swoons* Moriarty - for chapter 6.) Yes, I think Tom is starting to realize who he is dealing with, and he isn't enjoying that fact at all. *snnnrks* Thank you so much for the review!!! xoxo brightneeBee | |
| | | brightneeBee Inglourious Basterds Torture Specialist
Posts : 1097 Join date : 2012-03-31 Age : 36 Location : The Isle of Apples
| Subject: Re: Remember November Review Replies Wed Jul 31, 2013 8:07 am | |
| - TwistedTale wrote:
Why have I not read this yet? Well its a crime. A CRIME I SAY. But now I am making up for lost time and very much enjoyed reading this for the last hour and a half. The QueenBee knows her stuff and should promptly write more so I have more to read. This is not so much a DEMAND... more of a polite request... yes... request.
Keep going girl!
And one more thing, you have a few minor typos through the whole thing. Not many, but enough where I had to pause to puzzle over your meaning, and one or two awkward sentences. Nothing too bad, I am a nit picker, but if you like I can go back through and find them again to show you. I am always eager to help a fellow writer with their work!
Still, keep BEEing awesome. Yes, Tale...Why have you NOT read it yet? HMMM? You speak the truth. It IS a crime, but I shall let it slide since you have read it now. *pats Tale on back* Good girl. QueenBee? Hmmm....Bee likes this...Bee likes this A LOT....*snnnrks* QueenBee is working on another chapter, don't rush the royal process!!!! How dare you! *snnrks* Yeah, I'm aware of my typos and odd sentences here and there. No beta for the fic, and I'm a lazy American who doesn't want to see her mistakes. I'm a nit picker too, but I've found it a waste of time for ME to go through looking for things to fix. Since I've written it, my mind automatically corrects it before I notice it. And I notice it a couple weeks after I've posted it. So, if you want to go through and point out my mistakes, feel free to do so. *high five* Thanks so much for the review! Bee wuvs nice reviews!!! Sincerely, xoxo Bee | |
| | | brightneeBee Inglourious Basterds Torture Specialist
Posts : 1097 Join date : 2012-03-31 Age : 36 Location : The Isle of Apples
| Subject: Re: Remember November Review Replies Fri Aug 02, 2013 10:51 pm | |
| - Guess WHO again (Guest) wrote:
Guess WHO again:Nope. I cannot give you a hint. I must of been in a hurry when I typed my last review, because I actually left out words. Oh well, I do really like this story. I am looking forward to Hermione continuously outwitting and upsetting our favorite dark lord. I did like how you changed to Tom's pov in the last chapter by the way. I forgot to mention that.
It is always fun to see what goes through his psychotic mind.
Well, I changed my mind. I am going to give you one hint. I am a member of the forum. I have read lots and lots of Tomione and Volmione. (I know. That much is obvious, from reading your story and being a member of the forum.)
LOL! That was mean. It could really be anyone on the forum. Muhahahahahaha!
Another hint: I am not Nerys. ....... NERYS!!!!!! | |
| | | Nerys Loki'd
Posts : 4408 Join date : 2012-02-24 Age : 52 Location : Netherlands
| Subject: Re: Remember November Review Replies Sat Aug 03, 2013 4:31 am | |
| - brightneeBee wrote:
- Guess WHO again (Guest) wrote:
Guess WHO again:Nope. I cannot give you a hint. I must of been in a hurry when I typed my last review, because I actually left out words. Oh well, I do really like this story. I am looking forward to Hermione continuously outwitting and upsetting our favorite dark lord. I did like how you changed to Tom's pov in the last chapter by the way. I forgot to mention that.
It is always fun to see what goes through his psychotic mind.
Well, I changed my mind. I am going to give you one hint. I am a member of the forum. I have read lots and lots of Tomione and Volmione. (I know. That much is obvious, from reading your story and being a member of the forum.)
LOL! That was mean. It could really be anyone on the forum. Muhahahahahaha!
Another hint: I am not Nerys. .......
Yes, dear? *innocent face* | |
| | | brightneeBee Inglourious Basterds Torture Specialist
Posts : 1097 Join date : 2012-03-31 Age : 36 Location : The Isle of Apples
| Subject: Re: Remember November Review Replies Sat Aug 03, 2013 3:33 pm | |
| - Guess WHO (Guest) wrote:
Guess WHO:I think you are a very good writer. I need to check and see what other fics you have written. I am not that big of a fan of Snapione fics, but I noticed that you have a little Snapione action going on, so you could maybe add Snape to that new thing they have at the top where you can add a character? Maybe get some more people interested in Tomione...
Another hint: I am not Nerys , Serp. REINE, Amiee, Allie, Ozzy, Queenie, or Nerys. Definitely NOT Nerys... I'm just going to assume Guess WHO is Nerys, Serp, or Miya...Or a combination of the three, or all of them. I've got my eye on you, ladies. *glares* But, of course, thank you for the lovely review. *preens* Bee lurves such considerately pieced together reviews. | |
| | | brightneeBee Inglourious Basterds Torture Specialist
Posts : 1097 Join date : 2012-03-31 Age : 36 Location : The Isle of Apples
| Subject: Re: Remember November Review Replies Sat Aug 03, 2013 3:34 pm | |
| I'm watching you, too, REINE!!!! | |
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| Subject: Re: Remember November Review Replies | |
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